Lets Go RVing 7 How To Tips For An RV Newbie/Beginner…
Driving your RV like a pro is not just jumping behind the wheel…
Here are 7 tips you need to know…
1. Don’t try to take to much with you, your RV will only hold so much weight. The manufacturer has set a weight limit for that RV. If you go over that limit you will be at fault even when you didn’t cause the accident. If you’re worrying about everything you will never leave the driveway.
A simple check list will do.
2. Must have Tools are a 4 way lug wrench, a multi tip screwdriver w/ a square head bit and a large & small crescent/adjustable wrenches. A 3/8 drive ratchet and socket set, a mid sized pry bar and hammer. These tools should allow you to do most anything you need for now.
3. Know your tires pressure, weight limits and temperature. monitor them often. YES tires are all rated for a certain amount of weight and when they heat up from driving the pressure will change. Check the every time you stop even if you have a tire monitoring system.
4. Mistakes are going to happen! Slow down, take your time you can only do things so fast without having an accident. Rushing wont get you there any faster than taking the time to do it safely.
5. Know your RV’s size measurements. The height, width an length. Put a sticker of your height on the vehicles dashboard so you can see it at all times while driving. Remember: When turning right from a stop, drive the front of your RV into the left lane and check you right mirror to see where the rear axle is trailing. When turning left drive your front wheels into right lane and check your left mirror to watch rear axle trailing. Soon you will be turning corners like a pro.
6. Tanks fresh and gray water. how much can they hold? You cant always count on your on board monitoring system. Make note how many days of use you can get out of each and know your weight when tanks are full. Don’t drive far without emptying them, that’s a lot of weight sloshing around and will make it harder to stop.
7. Keep a written record of each day. Think about it, if you have done any genealogy or heard family story’s of your ancestry. Their travels are a awesome part or your families history.
This is your story and history, to be told by your future generations. The Best Part is you can look back at how you fixed a problem or caused one. Now go have some RV FUN!
Be Safe, Rex
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